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2006-01-03 - 10:27 a.m.

These days I need 2 days of recovery time after a night of drinking. Kaki and I went out for dinner on Sunday night because we both had Monday off. The intention was to just go out and have a nice dinner - I should have known better. We had dinner at Wildfire where I downed 2 cosmo's which were very tasty - love the cranberry complimented with sour citrus taste. Then we proceeded to Shorties where they have an awesome jukebox. I'm not sure why, but I always end up playing rap music and country - flipping back and forth between the 2 genres. Sort of like my cosmo I guess - sweet and citrus-ey.

And then I got drunk.
And I started dancing with this guy who had broken his neck and couldn't turn his head to either side. For whatever reason, this dudes neck disappeared after his accident. I named him 'head and shoulders' in my mind and was quite entertained by the new nickname I had given him. Despite his disability he was able to lead quite well. After a few minutes, kaki informed me that I should stop dancing with 'headandshoulders' as she thought he was impure thoughts about pinky. I heeded her advice and we went back to playing pool.

I didn't dare drive.
Kaki drove. Thank god she lives two doors down from me. She dropped herself off and left me to my own devices. All i had to do now was back my truck into the garage. It only took me 3 tries and I didn't hit the garage - go me!!

I was useless the rest of the next day and it made me feel like a total loser mom. Lucybean ended up watching tv all day and it made me feel extremely guilty and depressed. She didn't seem to notice or mind.

She is a quirky kid. Everytime she poos now, she declares that she needs to take a bath to wash her butt. Yesterday she took 3 baths.

I finially finished Middlesex. I am a slow reader. It took me 2 months to read that fucking book, but I liked it.
I have gained a new respect for hermaphrodites and their plight.

all for now.. peace&lovepinky

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